Guest Speaker: Dr. Matt Catalano, Fisheries Faculty at Auburn University.

The next Neely Henry Lake Association Community Meeting will be held on Thursday, August 1, 2024, at the Rainbow City Community Center, beginning at 6:30 pm.

Our speaker this month will be Dr. Matt Catalano, a member of the Fisheries Faculty at Auburn University. Dr. Catalano and his team will be presenting to us the tagging, economic study and bass movement/redistribution results of the multi-year project on the bass population in Neely Henry Lake.

No stranger to the NHLA, Dr. Catalano and some of his team members have spoken to us at previous meetings, sharing interim reports on the multi-year bass tagging project on Neely Henry Lake.

As always, the public is welcome to our meetings. We will also have light refreshments and door prizes.

We look forward to seeing you there!!

Dave Tumlin
Pres., NHLA